Festival Hours:  Saturday 9:00AM to 6:00PM and Sunday 9:00AM to 4:00pm
Spring Fling Vendors Show

Lions Club of Hastings
Spring Fling Craft and Vendor Show
General Information and Rules
April 26, 2025

Printable Application 2025
Online Application 2025

Location: Central Square Middle School at 248 US – 11 Central Square, NY 13036. From Route 81, take Exit 31, turn right on Bartel Rd, go to traffic light and turn right onto Route 11 N  and in two (2) miles, the Middle School will be
on the right side of the street.

Date:04/26/2025 9 am – 3 pm.

Crafter and Vendor Spaces:Spaces are approximately 8'w x 6'd, at a cost of $25. The application deadline is 04/01/2025. 

Online Applications Available: You can fill in and send your application and payment electronically from our website. A convenience fee will be applied to all online payments.

Credit Cards: We have the capability to accept credit cards online for application fees.

Bad Check Fees: Any check returned unpaid from a bank will be charged an additional $25 fee.

Set Up:Crafters and Vendors may set up on the day of the event between 7:30 am and 9 am. Please check in at the registration area to be directed to your space. Additionally, please remember the following:

Participants must provide your own tables, chairs and items needed for your space.

There is no electricity available.
All vendors must follow all rules and requests of the committee.

No raffles or free drawings are allowed unless specifically approved by the committee prior to the festival.

Parking:You may park in front of the building to unload your vehicle, but please park your vehicle prior to setting up your space to allow others to unload. Vendors should park in the “vendor” lot on the side of the building. Please leave the front parking lot for our public shoppers.

Insurance:All vendors are encouraged to provide their own insurance, if desired. We cannot be responsible for losses. Vendors with insurance are asked to submit a copy of their insurance naming the following as additional insured: Lions Club of Hastings and parent organizations and Central Square Middle School and Central Square School District. Please contact us if your insurance charges to add additional insured

Hold Harmless: All participants must sign and submit the Hold Harmless Agreement with the application.

Restrictions: No religious or political solicitation is allowed. No raffles are allowed.

Cleanup: All vendors are responsible for cleaning up their own areas after the event. Garbage must be removed from the premises.

For further information, please contact  Kathy at 315-382-3831, or e-mail

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Printable Application 2025
Online Application 2025

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