Festival Hours:Saturday 9:00AM to 6:00pm and Sunday 9:00AM to 4:00pm
Crafter, Food Vendor, Commercial Vendor & Non-Profit General Information

Hastings Lions Club
40th Annual Apple Festival
September 27-28, 2025

All Vendor General Information & Rules

2025 Online Vendor Application
2025 Printable Craft Vendor Application
2025 Printable Food Vendor Application

Location: Enter at 154 US Route 11, Central Square, NY 13036. Directions are available on our web site.

Hours: Saturday 9/27: 9 – 6; Sunday 9/28: 9 – 4

No raffles or free drawings are allowed unless specifically approved by the Hastings Lions CLub prior to the festival.

All vendors must follow all rules and requests of the committee.

Crafter Spaces: Crafter spaces 12' x 12' spaces and cost is $75.00 for both days. Crafter application deadline is 8/15/25.

Vendors that wish to donate to our vendor raffle, please drop off at the vendor registration table when you enter, at the Sponsor/Donation raffle table on Friday, or give to your Lioness helper to deliver.

Vehicle Entry Passes:2 vehicle admission passes for Sat & Sun are included with your paid space fee. Extras may be purchased for workers or volunteers for $3 each. We reserve the right to limit the number of extra passes purchased.

Non-Profit:Local non-profit groups are given one space at no charge. The fundraising event chosen must be approved by the committee. Additional/oversized non-prp>No raffles or free drawings are allowed unless specifically approved by the Hastings Lions CLub prior to the festival.

All vendors must follow all rules and requests of the committee.

Crafter Spaces: Crafter spaces 12' x 12' spaces and cost is $75.00 for both days. Crafter application deadline is 8/15/25.

Vendors that wish to donate to our vendor raffle, please drop off at the vendor registration table when you enter, at the Sponsor/Donation raffle table on Friday, or give to your Lioness helper to deliver.

Vehicle Entry Passes:2 vehicle admission passes for Sat & Sun are included with your paid space fee. Extras may be purchased for workers or volunteers for $3 each. We reserve the right to limit the number of extra passes purchased.

Non-Profit:Local non-profit groups are given one space at no charge. The fundraising event chosen must be approved by the committee. Additional/oversized non-profit spaces may be purchased at crafter fees.

Commercial/Independent Consultant Vendor Spaces:Spaces are up to 20' x 20' outside or in your own tent. Please mark the amount of space you require on the application form. Cost is $175 for both days. Applications must be postmarked by 8/15/25; however, spaces WILL NOT BE HELD PAST 7/1/25 for Independent Consultants. We only allow one of each Independent Consultant Party Plan to attend each year, so if you do not register by 7/1/25, you MAY LOSE YOUR SPACE.

Food Vendor Spaces:Food vendor spaces are up to 20x20. Cost is $175 for both days plus 10% of gross proceeds payable to Denise each day. Applications must be postmarked by Aug 1, 2025; however, EXCLUSIVE ITEMS and SPACES WILL NOT BE HELD PAST July 1, 2025. Each food vendor must name their EXCLUSIVE AND UNIQUE ITEM on their application. All items must receive final approval from the committee after all applications are received.

Bad Check Fees: Any check returned unpaid from a bank will be charged an additional $25 fee

Parking:Our location allows easier access for vehicles, and we may be able to allow you to drive closer to your space, weather permitting. Please quickly  unload your vehicle and then move to the designated parking area before setting up your space.

Insurance:All vendors are encouraged to provide their own insurance. We cannot be responsible for losses. Vendors and organizations with insurance are required to submit a copy of their insurance naming the following as additional insured: Hastings Lions Club, Lions International, Town of Hastings, County of Oswego, MDL Brewerton, LLC, 60 US RT 11, LLC, Glenn Donnelly, Donnelly Partners, LLC, CNY Raceway Park, Inc. Please contact us if your insurance charges to add additional insured.

Hold Harmless: All participants must sign and submit the Hold Harmless Agreement with the application.

Restrictions: No religious or political solicitation is allowed. No raffles are allowed.

Cleanup:All vendors are responsible for cleaning up their own areas on Sunday night. This includes taking your garbage to our dumpsters. Cardboard needs to be flattened and put in the recycling dumpster located near the end of the ride area. Any vendor not properly cleaning their area by Sunday night will be charged a minimum of $100 if we must clean up your area on Monday morning. Rental tents may be delivered on Tuesday and must be picked up on Monday morning, Sept. 29, 2025.

ATM: The sponsor will provide ATMs. No other ATMs are allowed.

For further information, please text or call Denise at 315-243-3337 or Sharon (315-345-9435). “Like” us on Facebook at spaces may be purchased at crafter fees.

Food Vendor Spaces:Food vendor spaces are up to 20x20. Cost is $175 for both days plus 10% of gross proceeds payable to Denise each day. Applications must be postmarked by Aug 1, 2025; however, EXCLUSIVE ITEMS and SPACES WILL NOT BE HELD PAST July 1, 2025. Each food vendor must name their EXCLUSIVE AND UNIQUE ITEM on their application. All items must receive final approval from the committee after all applications are received.

Bad Check Fees: Any check returned unpaid from a bank will be charged an additional $25 fee

Parking:Our location allows easier access for vehicles, and we may be able to allow you to drive closer to your space, weather permitting. Please quickly  unload your vehicle and then move to the designated parking area before setting up your space.

Insurance:All vendors are encouraged to provide their own insurance. We cannot be responsible for losses. Vendors and organizations with insurance are required to submit a copy of their insurance naming the following as additional insured: Hastings Lions Club, Lions International, Town of Hastings, County of Oswego, MDL Brewerton, LLC, 60 US RT 11, LLC, Glenn Donnelly, Donnelly Partners, LLC, CNY Raceway Park, Inc. Please contact us if your insurance charges to add additional insured.

Hold Harmless: All participants must sign and submit the Hold Harmless Agreement with the application.

Restrictions: No religious or political solicitation is allowed. No raffles are allowed.

Cleanup:All vendors are responsible for cleaning up their own areas on Sunday night. This includes taking your garbage to our dumpsters. Cardboard needs to be flattened and put in the recycling dumpster located near the end of the ride area. Any vendor not properly cleaning their area by Sunday night will be charged a minimum of $100 if we must clean up your area on Monday morning. Rental tents may be delivered on Tuesday and must be picked up on Monday morning, Sept.29th, 2025.

ATM: The sponsor will provide ATMs. No other ATMs are allowed.

For further information, please text or call Denise at 315-243-3337 or Sharon (315-345-9435). “Like” us on Facebook at
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